Sunday, January 4, 2009

Well, that was unexpected

Christopher got a big-boy bed today.
We had already moved him into the bigger room and put the stuff from there into the smaller room (sorry, visitors; you've been downgraded). He slept in his crib last night, but after he jumped out and hit his head on Saturday, we decided a change was needed. Hence the bed.
We went to Ikea and picked out a toddler bed. It has a cat and dog carved on the headboard; he loved it. We got the sheets and everything, and while they were being washed, he had a great time "sleeping" on the bed and playing on it. We had a lot of talks about how he was going to stay in his bed all night and sleep. He got more and more excited as bedtime got closer. We cuddled up together in his big boy bed to read books. But as I reached down to kiss him good night, he matter-of-factly said "I go in crib now."
That was that. He wouldn't hear of sleeping in the bed. He was going to sleep in the crib, and that was it. He climbed out of the bed and stood by his crib, waiting. Worried about him jumping out, we decided to lower the side, but he very firmly said "Side up."
Then, he went to sleep in his crib.