Friday, May 8, 2009

Look! There he goes....

Matthew had a doctor's appointment today...his one-month checkup already. Brian had to take him because I am laid low by mastitis (I can't breastfeed, but still managed to get the most dreaded breastfeeding ailment through pumping. Great.) He's gained a pound in the last week (!) and is now 10 pounds, 15 oz, which puts him in the 75th percentile for weight. He's 22 3/4 inches, which is the 90th percentile. The DNA results are pending as we wait to see if they switched babies at the hospital.
Anyway, Matthew has been put on a bit of a diet - no more than 5 oz. at a feeding - and was fussy when he got home and ate his allotted amount and then didn't get anymore. Finally we put him down on his stomach on his activity mat.
He decided he didn't like that - so he rolled over. At one month, one day old. From belly to stomach, just rolled over. Then he looked around in triumph and stopped fussing. Maybe he was cranky because he just wanted a chance to show us what he could do.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

One More

Mr. Christopher has company...a new little brother, Matthew Robert. So far they're getting on amazingly well. Christopher ignores Matthew 95 percent of the time, then dive-bombs him, kissing and cuddling him while cooing "Baby brother is so sweet...Mommy, come here! Isn't baby brother sweet? Awwww." Matthew usually tolerates it pretty well, as long as he's asleep.
I've been buffeted from the true difficulties of having two kids until yesterday, when Brian went back to work, leaving me alone with the two beasties for the first time. It was surprisingly calm. I just have to keep reminding myself that everything will be a mess and will be chaotic at some least now I have an excuse.