Thursday, August 20, 2009

Making the most of it

Today is Christopher's last day in the Terrible Twos, and he is making the most of it. Tantrums, refusal to eat, denying that he needs a's like he read a textbook and is following the typical two behaviors exactly. It's almost cute.
But when we took a trip to Homestead Farm, a pick-your-own farm that has barnyard animals, I got a glimpse of the future. Christopher went around a quizzed each animal "Goat, can you say 'meh'? Cow, can you say 'moo'?" He warned me to watch out for cars. And after I rubbed a peach on his cheek to show him how soft and fuzzy it was, he turned around and did the same thing to Matthew. "Baby brudder, can you feel that? It's soffft."
He's really getting to be a big boy.
But I wish he'd just take the nap already.

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