Thursday, August 23, 2007

Yay! We're home!

We took another of our epic journeys to Pennsylvania last weekend to celebrate Christopher's first birthday with his whole family. His grandparents came down from up north, his aunt drove in from Philadelphia...everyone except for his uncle and aunt from Utah, who couldn't make it.
And there were the cousins.
My cousins have six children between them, including one that was born the day before we arrived. They love Christopher. They tried teaching him - "The sippy cup goes on the table!" opened his presents for him and were generally amazingly lovable and cute. Their mothers fulfilled their traditional duty of acting like older sisters and gave me more parenting tips than I would get from a year of Parenting magazines. And argued with me about my TV ban. A lot.
Friends of mine from high school came to the party. One is having a baby next month, one has no children, and another has one baby a month younger than Christopher and another on the way.
It was alive, chaotic and wonderful. My family loves to argue, debate, gossip about each other - sometimes all at the same time. It made me realize again how much I love them all.

P.S. Oh, and the face? Pretty much the same throughout the cake experience. I have the only kid in America who doesn't like cake icing.

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