Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Popemobile

Christopher has a little car that he loves to ride in. And when he rides in it, he loves to wave. To no one in particular - just a little to the left, a little to the right. As if he sees crowds all around him, and he's acknowledging his fans.
And if you stop the car, he gets very indignant. He bounces up and down and even gives a few nasty looks. You can hear him saying "Hey! Get moving! I'm not sitting here and being good so you can stop to chat with neighbors!"
All in all, it's a very nice way to start the day. Today Jack went with Brian around the block. I can't wait until his other grandparents bring down his two-seater red wagon. I bet we'll be able to get Jack to sit in it with him. Well, maybe not. But either way, I bet Christopher will wave.

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