Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Not-Napping House

I never knew how hard it is to get a baby to take a nap.
Really, my ignorance is Christopher's fault. He goes to bed at night very well (usually). Bath, milk, books, crib, eyes shut. No problem.
But we're all terrible at naps.
Today, Brian and I had to resort to one of those parent tricks that I've heard of and never wanted to use: driving the baby around in the car. It was like a scene from a movie about hapless parents: we drove to the grocery store, peering nervously over to the backseat and discussing the situation in tense, quiet voices: was he asleep? Was he going to fall asleep? What were we going to do if he didn't fall asleep? And on and on. Brian dropped me off at the grocery store and kept driving, then came back for me - with a sleeping baby. I was surprised that he didn't make me jump into the car while it was still in motion.
But he didn't, and everything was fine. Christopher slept in his crib for an hour-and-a-half - not great, but we'll take it.

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