Tuesday, September 29, 2009

He loves it

I knew I'd be eager to pick up Christopher from preschool every Tuesday and Thursday, but I didn't suspect why - he has some really fun stories to share.
"So, the nurse came in and made breakfast, and it was really good!"
"Yes, and then...wait, what?"
Our drive home is full of these little tidbits, many of which make me wonder if the kid is having acid flashbacks in his carseat.
There is a small window of coherence when I first pick him up. Today, I found out that he did "everything" - he drew, wrote, played with the cement truck. He had a great art project of a fall tree - "I painted, Mommy!" - and he did a wonderful job outlining the letter E on a sheet of paper. He had pretzels and juice for snack, and asked for more juice - and said please! - and they gave him more.
There was also something about going to the potty, but I didn't catch all of it because he related it right on the cusp between coherent and crazy. Right about halfway down Clopper Road, he loses interest in the morning, switches gears, and any hope of finding out more about preschool go out the window.
While Christopher was being served breakfast by nurses, Matthew and I tooled around town like a couple of toddler-free fools. The pharmacy for Christopher's school inhaler, the grocery store for milk and Home Depot for a chain lock to contain the larger beast. Finally we rewarded ourselves by going to Borders for a quick cup of hot chocolate and some children's books. Yes, we were wild.
It's amazing how easy it is to run in and out of stores with just a small beastie who is strapped into a container. There is no bribery needed, no threats, no mad dashes to grab the last cart-with-a-car.
But, it's also pretty boring. No one asked why there is a ramp cut into the curb, who the man buying bacon is (how the hell would I know?) or why we can't watch two hours of Bugs Bunny when we get back in the car. So it's always a relief to pick up Christopher and get my newest dose of coherent/crazy stories.

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