Friday, July 11, 2008

All the News from Lake-Whatever-It's-Called

Well, we took a turn into the dark side this morning. It was Friday, we got a little wild. We did something - illegal. We waded in the lake behind our house.
I'll give you a moment to collect yourselves.
It started out innocently enough. Jack has been woefully neglected since Heidi's surgery. So I decided to take him down to the lake to go swimming. We also took some of Christopher's toys - a dump truck, shovel, bucket. All the things a young boy needs to stay occupied.
Or, at least, it would have been if not for the large, glimmering lake in front of him. After two minutes of watching Jack bound in and out of the lake, fetching sticks and a tennis ball toy, he was screaming to go in. I occupied him with the toys, small stones and hickory nut shells for a few minutes, and of course, throwing all kinds of things for Jack to take out of the lake, but then he wanted in. So I let him walk on the shore, not quite touching the lake. Then, in a moment of what-the-hell, I let him wade right in. And wade in he did - right up to his stomach, trying to shake me off the whole time (didn't work, of course).
Then I looked around, remembered we weren't supposed to be in this lake, didn't see Jack, and started wondering what kind of terrible creepy crawly things there were in this lake. I mean, whales have been spotted in small bodies of water before. So I grabbed the kid and ran.
Well, Christopher didn't approve. He started screaming. I was fighting to get him in the stroller while looking for Jack. It was a miserable walk back home....but a fun few minutes of wading.

1 comment:

Live.Love.Eat said...

Cute blog!!! I wish we could just jump in a lake 'round here but an alligator would attack!