Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mess with his schedule at your own risk

The good news is, Heidi is recovering nicely - so nicely, in fact, that she snuck upstairs earlier tonight. I had to carry her back down. Hopefully that scared her enough to keep her from ever doing it again.
We left her for several hours and went to Baltimore today. We ended up spending most of the day in Fells Point - a great area, lots of fun with restaurants to spill beer on oneself in and clothing boutiques in which to buy a new outfit afterward. Good place.
Christopher wasn't so sure, though. He was very very excited about seeing his friend Addy - "Addy! Addy!" was his rallying cry during the preparations for the trip - but he wasn't so happy once we got there and he went through the afternoon without his usual nap. It led to a complete meltdown by the time we got home. But at least I got a new outfit!

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