Sunday, July 27, 2008

Peace, at the grocery store.

I went to the grocery store alone today. After the past few months of always being, um, accompanied, it was a revelation. I could squeeze fruit. I could read labels. I could browse. I meandered, I wandered. It was wonderful.
I was so into my solitude that when I got to the grocery store, I forgot to talk to the clerk and tell her I had brought reusable bags.
"Sorry," I said. "I was so happy to be here alone, without my son, I guess I zoned out."
"How old is he?" she asked.
"Almost two," I said.
"Mine is seven months, and I love bringing him to the grocery store," she said almost smugly.
I couldn't help it - I laughed and laughed, and then did that annoying more-experienced parent thing. "Just wait," I said.

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